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Delaware Pharmacists Society
Constitution & Bylaws
In order to promote the progress and well-being of pharmacists practicing the profession within the state and to assure the enactment of just and stringent laws in the interest of the public pertaining to drugs and medicines, we, the pharmacists, in the State of Delaware, do hereby organize ourselves into a permanent association and adopt the following Constitution and Bylaws.
Article I
The name of this association shall be the DELAWARE PHARMACISTS SOCIETY
Article II
Mission Statement
The mission of the Society is to promote excellence in patient centered care, strengthen the profession and be a strong advocate for all Delaware Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.
Article III
The purpose of the Society shall be to unite all pharmacists practicing in the State in association with non-pharmacist members in an effort to meet the following goals:
Article IV
Section 1. The Society shall consist of Informed, Engaged, Leadership, Associate, Technician, Student and Corporate members.
Section 2. Informed: Any registered pharmacist in the State of Delaware or graduate of a college of pharmacy recognized by ACPE, of good moral character and professional standing shall be eligible for free membership. Pharmacists will receive all news, upcoming events, and reminders from the society. However, they cannot vote and will not be able to take advantage of any discounts or deals.
Section 3. Engaged: Any registered pharmacist in the State of Delaware or graduate of a college of pharmacy recognized by ACPE, of good moral character and professional standing shall be eligible for membership. Pharmacists at this level of membership will have access to everything an informed member will have plus the right to vote and receive member discounts. The membership fees for this level will be set by the DPS Board of Directors.
Section 4. Leadership: Any registered pharmacist in the State of Delaware or graduate of a college of pharmacy recognized by ACPE, of good moral character and professional standing shall be eligible for membership. Pharmacists at this level of membership will have access to everything an informed member will have plus the right to vote and receive member discounts. This level will receive other specific discounts not available to previous levels and VIP invitations to Society events. (I.e. Past presidents of the Society, current board members, and committee members.) The membership fees for this level will be set by the DPS Board of Directors.
Section 5. Associate: Associate members consist of vendors, drug reps, and other healthcare personnel, as well as anyone who is committed to the DPS mission. They can join DPS at the same rate as those in the Engaged level.
Section 6. Technician: Anyone who is considered pharmacy support personnel and who is of good moral character shall be eligible for membership. Membership as a technician can be either Informed or Engaged.
a: Informed- Any Technician of good moral character and professional standing shall be eligible for free membership. Technicians will receive all news, upcoming events, and reminders from the society. However, they cannot vote and will not be able to take advantage of any discounts or deals.
b: Engaged- Any Technician of good moral character and professional standing shall be eligible for membership. Technicians at this level of membership will have access to everything an informed member will have plus the right to vote and receive member discounts. The membership fees for this level will be set by the DPS Board of Directors
Section 7. Student: Any student who is enrolled in an accredited School of Pharmacy may apply for a student membership. The student shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of active membership except the right to vote and hold office. (Exception is student member of Board of Directors who does have voting privileges.)
Section 8. Corporate Members. Any manufacturing corporation involved in pharmaceutical, durable medical equipment, or products and/or services relating to pharmacy may become, upon approval by the Board of Directors, a corporate member. The dues structure for the manufacturer’s corporate dues is determined by the Board of Directors. The membership entitles representation on the DPS’s manufacturers Advisory’s Committee, and the other privileges of active members with the exception of the ability to vote or hold office. Any pharmacy corporation involved in the dispensing and compounding of pharmaceuticals may become a corporate member upon approval of the Board. Membership dues will be predicated on the # of pharmacists employed by each corporation. See table below:
# of Pharmacists Dues $
1-10 $1,000
11-20 $2,000
21-30 $3,000
31-40 $4,000
41-50 $5,000
51-60 $6,000
61-70 $7,000
71-80 $8,000
81-90 $9,000
91 and > $10,000
Said membership entitles the corporation to certain benefits approved by the Board. Such benefits may include but are not limited to discounted membership dues, DPS website links and free advertising in the DPS newsletter.
Article V
The Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and the appointed Executive Direction.
Section 2. President
Section 3. Vice-President/President Elect
Section 4. Secretary
Section 5. Treasurer
Section 6. Executive Director
Article VI
Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board and representation from the 3 counties of the state, Technician Member and Student Member.
Section 2. The Board of Directors may bestow the title of honorary president upon any member in any category, in recognition of outstanding service to the Society. This honorary title shall not have any effect upon the privileges of the honorary holder as an active or non-active member but shall exempt that person from the payment of dues. A suitable inscribed certificate shall be presented to the recipient.
Delaware Pharmacist Society Bylaws
Article I
Any person, who meets the requirements for a membership in the Membership Category of the Constitution and is approved by the Board of Directors, shall be a member of the Delaware Pharmacists Society.
Article II
Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, thirteen additional Directors, one Student Member and one National Certified Pharmacy Technician. The Executive Director and Student Member shall be non-voting members of the board.
Section 2. The Board shall have a responsibility for the general management of the property and business of the Society. The Board of Directors shall meet at least five (5) times between the annual meetings. The President may call addition meetings. Ten (10) days notice mailed to the address of the member, fax, e-mail or a phone call shall in every case constitute a sufficient notice. 51% of the active board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 3. Any member of the Board of Directors absent for three (3) consecutive meetings or a total of fifty (50) percent of the number of meetings held annually, without due cause, shall automatically be expelled.
Section 4. Whenever any vacancies occur in the Board of Directors or Treasurer, by resignation or otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board. The person so chosen shall hold office for the completion of the term elected.
Section 5. An individual shall not severe simultaneously as a member of the Delaware Pharmacists Society and of the State Board of Pharmacy.
Article III
Section 1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. He/she shall preside at meetings of the Society and shall see that all orders and resolutions are carried out.
Section 2. He/she shall sign all certificates and execute all contracts and agreements of the Society authorized by the Board.
Section 3. He/she shall present a report at each annual meeting of the Society.
Section 4. He/she shall direct all officers and committees to report to him/her fully in reference to their activities.
Section 5. He/she shall appoint committees as deems advisable to carry out the business and goals of the Society.
Section 6. He/she shall appoint delegates to represent the Board at various meetings with the advice of the Board of Directors.
Article IV
Section 1. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all the duties normally assigned to the President.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform other duties as the President from time to time may direct.
Article V
Section 1. The Secretary shall work with the President and Vice-president to ensure record keeping is current and accurate.
Section 2. The Secretary is responsible for providing meetings for all meetings.
Article VI
Section 1. The Treasurer will be elected by the General Membership.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements in records belonging to the Society. He/she shall deposit money and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Board. The Treasurer shall duly notify all members are arrears, collect all dues, receive all money due to the Society and shall make disbursements as ordered by the Board. The Treasurer shall render to the President and Directors whenever they require it, the account for all transactions and the financial condition of the Society. The Treasurer shall give sufficient bond, subject to approval of the Board, said surety to be paid for by the Society.
Section 3. All checks require two (2) signatures of the Executive Committee.
Article VII
Executive Director
Section 1. The Executive Director shall serve as administrator for the Society
Section 2. The Executive Director shall supervise Society activities and carry out all duties assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. He/she shall act as chief clerk thereof, recording all votes and performing like duties for standing committees when required.
Section 4. He/she shall keep a list of members, their addresses, date of admission and date of death, resignation and/or expulsion.
Section 5. He/she shall see they proper notice is given for all meetings.
Section 6. At the meetings of the Board he/she shall render a report of the duties performed by him/her since the last meeting.
Section 7. He/she shall manage the publications of the Society,
Section 8. He/she shall notify members of committees concerning appointment of elections and furnish to each member the committee name, address and phone number of all other committee members.
Section 9. He/she shall read and answer all communications and be responsible for preparing and sending correspondence for the Society.
Section 10. He/she will have custody of the corporate seal.
Section 11. The Board of directors shall establish the remuneration for the Executive Director.
Section 12. In absence of an Executive Director, the president shall carry out the duties of the Executive Director or delegate appropriately.
Article VIII
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board and
Representation from the 3 counties of the state, a technician member and student member.
This section does not give specific seat assignment to each of the counties
Or practice setting.
Section 1. During odd year elections, 6 board members shall be elected for two year terms. Of the 6 board members elected, at least
One member must work or reside in each of the three counties.
Elections shall be for three county board representatives and three at
Large representatives to the board. At large representatives should
Characterize the diversity of professional practice settings within the
Section 2. During even year elections, 6 board members shall be elected for two year terms. Of the 6 board members elected, at least one member must work or reside in each of the three counties. The remaining three members will be at large representatives to the board. The pharmacy technician shall also be elected to a two year term.
Section 3. Student member will be appointed every year for a one year term.
Section 4. All officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be elected to office by final ballot. The final ballot shall be mailed no later than April 15th of the year in which the election is to take place and shall be returned to the Executive Director by May 1st of the same year.
Section 5. The nominating Committee shall meet by February 1st of an election year and develop a preliminary ballot with sufficient space for write-in votes. The preliminary ballot shall be sent to members by March 1st. Should there be a general meeting during that period; nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Section 6. Each nominee shall be contacted to determine if he/she will accept the nomination.
Article IX
Any vacancy occurring in the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, removal or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board of Directors and the person so elected shall hold office until the next regular election.
Article X
Section 1. The Installation of Officers will occur and the transactions of such business as shall come before it shall be held at a time and place to be selected by the Board of Directors. Notice in writing of the annual meeting shall be given to each member of the Society at least fifteen (15) days prior to such meeting.
Section II. The President may call a General Meeting of the Society as he/she deems appropriate on fifteen (15) days notice to all Society Members. An agenda for the meeting should accompany the notice. The notice may be written, verbal or electronic and should be addressed to the resident of the member. There shall be at least one general meeting in addition to the annual meeting in a 12-month period.
Section III. Special meetings of the Society May be called by the President or upon separate written request of five active members. A five (5) day written, verbal or electronic notice is required. Written notices must be sent to the residence of the member. The notice must state the purpose of the meeting. Only the items stated in the notice may be discussed at the special meeting.
Section IV. Eleven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Society business at all general meetings.
Article XI
Order of Business: Annual Meeting
Section 1. The President with the advice of the Board of Directors shall establish the order of business at the annual meeting. However, the following items must be included: reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting, President’s address, introduction of new members, comments from the Executive Director, Treasurer, and standing committees, old business, new business, and installation of officers. All reports shall be submitted in writing.
Section 2. The President with the advice of the Board of Directors shall determine the order of business at any other meeting.
Article XII
Section 1. The dues for all categories of membership shall be determined by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the calendar year. The effective date of any change in dues shall be July 1st of the year enacted.
Section 2. Dues are payable July 1st. A member shall be declared delinquent after November 30th and shall forfeit the rights of membership. The Board by individual case review may extend the deadline.
Article XIII
Standing Committees
The President shall appoint the following Standing Committees at the first meeting
following the installation of offices:
Article XIV
Board of Pharmacy
The Board of Directors may make recommendation to the Governor for pharmacist members wishing to serve on the Delaware Board of Pharmacy.
Article XV
Peer Review Board
Section 1. The body given the responsibility for reviewing and guiding their peers shall be called the Pharmacy Peer Review Board (PRB).
Section 2. The Purpose of the PRB shall be:
Section 3. Scope of Peer Review shall be:
Section 4. The Peer Review Board is not a disciplinary body. It does, however, have an obligation to report its findings and make recommendation to other appropriate committees and/or agencies requesting that committee and/or agency to take action when warranted.
Section 5. The Board will consist of five members with at least one member from each county. The President of the Society will appoint the Chairman and the members. The Board will be appointed when a complaint is received.
Article XVI
Any member may be suspended or expelled from the Society by the Board for the
violation of any Federal, State or Municipal Law governing the conduct of activities of
pharmacists or for the breach of any regulation imposed by these bylaws and for the
conduct considered to be unethical by the Society. Any member of the Society charged
with an offense hereunder will have the right to be informed of the charge and an
opportunity to be heard in his/her own defense.
Article XVII
Alteration of Bylaws
Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be suggested by the Board of Directors, Committees or in writing by five (5) active members.
Section 2. Proposed Amendments shall be sent to each active member and posted on the website within fifteen (15) days of its review by the board of Directors. Within thirty (30) days of mailing/posting the President will call a general meeting of the society. The proposal will be debated and voted on at that meeting. A majority of those present is required for passage.
Section 3. The effective date will be thirty (3) days from the date of the vote.
Article XVIII
Parliamentary Rules
Robert’s Rules of Order, revises, shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of
Procedures not specifically covered by these bylaws.
Article XIX
Distribution of Constitution and Bylaws
Each new member of the Society will receive a copy of the Bylaws and Constitution.
Bylaws and Constitution will be available on the DPS website. A hard copy of these
Documents will be mailed when requested.
Article XX
The Board of Directors shall adopt and provide a suitable seal containing the name of
The Society.
Last Updated: October 2021